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You have probably heard about “left brain” and “right brain” thinking and the advantage of each side for different kinds of tasks ie. creative vs. tactical. A recent article from search engine land does a good job looking at why having a good balance between the left and right brain is becoming extremely important for marketing (search engine optimization).

The logic in summary is that for effective SEO one must be able to offer strategic/tactical thinking (analytics, SEO tactics) but also be able to create content. As marketing continues to evolve from marketing and “internet” marketing into just marketing it’s becoming increasingly obvious that to be successful online you must now be more than just an account on social media. The best marketing strategies now require unique, quality, content creation. In fact an entirely new industry is appearing that takes care of just this segment of the marketing tactics: content creation.

POSTJOE.COM: (Artist+Designer+Ideas)=(Left+Right Brain).